What to Expect at In Vitro Fertilization Clinics in Orange County

by | Dec 29, 2022 | Health

The first step to IVF is to talk with a fertility specialist through in-person or telephone consultations. These visits aim to discuss your options, find out if you’re a candidate, and get an overview of the treatment process. Before you make an appointment, you must understand what you should expect from your visit.


To determine which procedure best suits you, doctors need basic information about your health history. You’ll also be asked about previous infertility diagnoses or unsuccessful treatments. During this appointment, your doctor will discuss how IVF works. You can expect an hour-long meeting with a doctor specializing in this area of medicine before moving on to the next step.

Treatment Options

When you meet with your IVF doctor at the clinic, they will explain the different types of IVF procedures. They will also discuss other treatment options, such as egg harvesting and embryo transfer. The doctor may suggest a specific method depending on your medical history and personal preferences.

Treatment Timeline

You’ll need to fast for eight hours before the procedure, meaning no food or drinks except water. If you have any questions regarding what you can and cannot eat/drink before your IVF cycle, please consult with your doctor. On the day of your egg retrieval, you should be in good health and free from any infectious disease. Your fertility doctor will determine this based on blood work results and previous medical history information provided by you during your first visit to In Vitro Fertilization Clinics In Orange County. Please let us know if there are any changes in your medical condition after our initial consultation. They may want additional information if it could impact their ability to perform egg retrieval safely.

Insurance Coverage

Understand what insurance covers. Insurance coverage depends on the type of insurance, but it may not cover all your costs. Contact your insurance company to learn more about your benefits.

If you found this information helpful and would like to explore more, please visit RISE Fertility.

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