What Is Your Donor Type?

by | May 18, 2022 | Charitable Trust

According to statistics by Charity Navigator, the value of donations to charitable organizations continues to increase by 5.2% annually. Furthermore, individuals like yourself are responsible for around 70% of these donations. Keeping this in mind, did you know that donors have types?

Discover each donor type and how their traits influence them to make a donation to a charitable trust. Furthermore, you will learn the importance of donor types information to charitable organizations.

Why Is Donor Type Important?
Studies identify seven donor types, each exhibiting specific traits. Additionally, these traits are crucial to the nature and value of the donation to charitable trust you make. As such, charitable trusts and organizations strive to obtain this information constantly.

They require this information to identify additional donors and sustain your relationship. For example, the information helps them identify where they receive the most donations, which helps them identify the causes to support.

The Seven Donor Types.
Here is how charities identify their donors:

The Communitarian
Communitarians are donors who are keen to support causes within their location. Typically, they will serve on the board of local organizations and will only consider themselves successful if the community thrives.

The Investor
These donors consider their donations as business opportunities. Additionally, their donations are data-driven, and there are keen on knowing the measurable returns of their support.

Dynasty Donors
As the name suggests, these donors do so because it is a family tradition. They are very specific in their choice of charity and may sometimes use experts to help them decide. Typically, you will find them supporting charities focusing on economic empowerment.

Altruists are silent donors who prefer to stay away from the limelight. Additionally, they make spontaneous donations and believe that charity is an obligation. Most donors in this category are the super-wealthy of society.

The Socialite Donor
Donors in this category love the attention. Furthermore, they expect special recognition for their philanthropy and may discontinue their support if you deny them. Charities value them for their social connections and will go the extra mile to maintain the relationship.

Devout Donors
These view philanthropy as a moral obligation and generally support charities that focus on mission work. Additionally, they are strict on remaining anonymous and will rarely socialize with other donors.

The Repayer
Donors in this category normally give their support after experiencing the cause themselves. Furthermore, they are keen on the beneficiaries and the results of their donations. However, they detest publicity and will never pursue it actively.
So, given your knowledge so far, what is your donor type?

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