When you are retired, you may have to live on a much tighter budget than what you had when you were working. You may have less money left over at the end of the month. You also may not have enough left over out of your pension or Social Security check to pay for cell phone service.
Rather than go without a phone, you may get one at no cost from a governmental program designed for clients like you. You may be approved for one of the government phones in Wiscons in that are meant for retirees and others living on tight budgets.
No Money Required
When you apply for this program, you may wonder if there is any cost that you must pay on your own. You may fear not having any money to satisfy any costs the program passes onto you.
However, the program does not cost any money and only requires you to meet income guidelines. As long as your income is at or below the stipulated amount, you may qualify for a free phone. You do not have to pay for any of the phone or plan costs.
You can keep your phone as long as you meet the qualifications for it each year. You can get a cell phone that lets you make calls and receive texts like normal. You can find out more about the government phones in Wisconsin online. Contact Infiniti Mobile at .