3 Important Reasons You Should Pay For a Registered Agent In NYC

by | Jun 30, 2021 | Business

In an effort to save money, many small business owners will either act as their own registered agent or have a friend or family member do it for them. Yes, acting as your own registered agent in NYC will save you money. But in many cases doing so is not the smartest option.

Here are 3 reasons you should pay for a registered agent in NYC.

Reason #1 – Privacy

The registered agent’s address is always a matter of public record. This is a big concern if you have a home-based business. It basically means anyone can find your home address. When you hire a registered agent their address will be used as the main address. This protects you and your family.

Reason #2 – Consistency

Maintaining a registered agent is extremely important. It is actually required to do business in most states. Working with a professional company ensures you always have an updated address on file. If you use your own address you will need to update it every time you move. Most people forget about this which in turn affects their standing in the state.

Reason #3 – Act As Your Agent In Multiple States

Does your business operate in multiple states? If so you will need a registered agent in each state. As you can imagine, that can be a hassle to deal with. A service will be able to act as your agent in every state you do business in.

Ready to find a registered agent in NYC? Contact Sage Workspace.

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