Tips for Preventing Catalytic Converter Theft in San Antonio

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Security

Many people wake up each day to stories in the news of more catalytic converter thefts in their area that occurred overnight. In addition to costing you money, this issue can create a major roadblock to your morning routine as you try to hurry off to work. Following some tips can help to spare you from becoming a victim of catalytic converter theft in San Antonio.

Park Smart

Leaving your car out on the street overnight might tempt criminals. If you have a driveway or a garage, park your vehicle there, particularly when it’s dark outside. When you’re out shopping or running other errands, watch for vacant lots. Try to park as close to other vehicles as possible.

Consider Your Converter

Painting your car’s converter is one strategy that can deter theft. A paint job can help to make your converter less appealing to criminals and easier to find in the event that it is stolen. Adding an alarm can help to prevent catalytic converter theft in San Antonio as well.

Set up Cameras

Plenty of options are available to enhance your home’s security system. Add a camera or two that points directly at your car when it’s parked outside the home. Be sure to include signage. Signs indicating that cameras are guarding the property can scare off would-be thieves. Even if a theft does occur, the footage can help authorities to solve the crime.

It’s uncomfortable to feel vulnerable in your own home or community, especially with catalytic converter thefts on the rise. Take the steps to protect yourself by contacting iNET Security and Surveillance, LLC at

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