Backyard Fence Installation Helps Keep Loved Ones With Dementia Safe

by | Jan 17, 2022 | Security

Adult children of elderly parents with dementia may be dedicated to avoiding moving them to a nursing home. For now, the situation is manageable as long as the disabled person lives with family. A common problem with dementia patients is a tendency to wander off. Fence installation prevents this while also allowing the person access to the yard.


Family members may be hesitant to schedule this project. First, they might feel uncomfortable treating Mom or Dad like a little child. Second, they might feel skeptical about a fence’s effectiveness. Could they really leave the back door unlocked and with no worry of them wandering away?

Expert Insight

These men and women should feel reassured when learning that the Alzheimer’s Association encourages fence installation for this purpose. A fenced yard keeps dementia patients safe and happier than they would be locked inside all day.

A Positive Attitude

The family might view the structure as an empowering feature for their loved one rather than something demeaning. They’ll still want to keep a close eye on this person when he or she goes outside, but the ability to leave the house as desired brings a sense of freedom. The doors can be kept locked after dark.

The Best Choice

Depending on the person’s physical ability, climbing a chain-link model or one with exposed beams might be possible. The best choice for wood and vinyl structures is a privacy fence with beams hidden between two layers of panels.

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