Make Sure Your Video Gets the Respect It Deserves With Accurate Subtitles

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Video Editing

By now, most of us have experienced the embarrassment of sending a text message via a speech-to-text app that completely bungles what we want to say. The embarrassment that only grows exponentially the more people our bungled message reaches. Even when the mistranslated words are not embarrassing in and of themselves, at best mistranslated speech-to-text messages end up in gibberish that make us seem to be drunk texting. As far as automated speech-to-text services have come, they still have a long way to go. No matter how many people you have on your email list or messaging chain, it pales in comparison to the number of people who watch most videos.

When it comes to making sure your video captions are translated accurately, you don’t want to rely on a digital app. When it comes to video subtitling services, many people try to cut corners and use an automated service, often with disastrous results. Those automated services are often using the same programs you’re using to send a text – with much the same results. You spend a great deal of money shooting, editing, and distributing your video, so why would you not want the captioning to show the same high quality as the rest of your video? Using a reputable video subtitling service ensures that your dialogue will be translated properly, with no embarrassing mistakes or drunken gibberish.

For the very best in video subtitling services, contact Chromavision today.

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