Affordable Insurance in Michigan: Homeowner Edition

by | Nov 11, 2022 | Insurance

For many homeowners, finding affordable insurance in Michigan is a top priority. Home insurance rates have been on the rise in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to lower your premium.

In this blog post you’ll get some tips on how to get the most affordable insurance in Michigan.

Increase Your Deductible

This is the amount you would pay out of pocket if you made a claim. By increasing your deductible you can lower your premium. Just be sure to set aside enough money to cover the deductible if you do need to make a claim.

Shop Around

Rates can vary significantly from one company to the next. It’s important to compare quotes from multiple companies, such as Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Co., before you decide on a policy.

Bundle Your Policies

If you have multiple types of insurance with the same company, you may be eligible for a discount. For example, you could bundle your homeowner’s insurance with your auto insurance.

Take Advantage of Discounts

Many companies offer discounts for things such as installing security features or being “claims free” for a certain number of years. Ask your agent about any discounts that might be available to you.

Consider Raising Your Limits

If you have a high-value home, you may need to raise your coverage limits to be fully protected. Your agent can help you determine the right amount of coverage for your needs.

Review Your Policy Yearly

Your needs may change over time, so it’s important to review your policy regularly and make changes as needed. For example, if you upgrade your roof or add a swimming pool, you’ll need to adjust your coverage accordingly.

Avoid a Lapse in Coverage

A lapse in coverage can cause your rates to increase, so it’s important to maintain continuous coverage. If you do experience a lapse, be sure to let your agent know as soon as possible so he or she can help find a new policy that fits your needs and budget.

Get Quotes From Local Agents

Working with an independent insurance agent who lives and works in Michigan can give you an insider’s view into the best companies and policies for Michiganders. Plus, having somebody local is always nice in case you ever need to file a claim.

Compare Apples-to-Apples

Be sure that when shopping around for affordable insurance in Michigan, you are comparing similar coverage levels from different companies. Some products may superficially appear to be less expensive but have major differences that could end up costing more down the road.

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